Thursday, October 31, 2019

Change Management Case. The transformation of XYZ construction Case Study

Change Management . The transformation of XYZ construction - Case Study Example These stages of implementation were such details that the personality issue also came into consideration. Slow step and proper understanding also teaching the people to understand about the necessity of change which requires in the company, and they accepted the change with different training and other participation in continuous stags. 2. Identify and explain the case problem. In this case, we can see the challenge of organizational culture to suit with the stakeholders, like contractors/ suppliers /sub contractors. This is the problem where the company really has to change the strategy to fit into the existing pattern. Some group may lose out if the change while, other may not. Considering the adaptability of the stake holder, also the change of the organizational transformation needs to be implemented by precise stages. This identifying stages need to be like, a) Identify the common area of the new cultural or behavioral change with the existing practice, b) Dissecting the functio n about their gap to allow the stake holder’s analyze the requirement to fit the new change in the organizational culture or behavior. c) Feasibility of the part, which is unable to cope with the living elements within the organization d) Training and skill developed steps to cope with new change and handle the stakeholders accordingly; these initiatives can identify and explain the problems in the case. 3. ... Also this tension will create underperformance among the employee. Then the customer will not receive the similar services or product facilities, and then the company will be under threat to make profit. When the situation requires the change the strategy and the policy may need to adjust with the interest and the level of resistance to the changes by the existing stake holders. Coping with their capacity and involvement with the business, company should pay development and understanding talk to the parties for the smooth environment to implement the strategy. 4. Who does the problem affect? 1. Existing employee performance,-This problem will create a stress among the employee and searching or to know about the change they will stay awaiting than continuing regular flow of work. 2. Contractors/suppliers,- This problem of change may cause the contractor to follow unknown path, which may not give precise supporting. 3. Board of director’s- Loosing the operating harmony, implemen ting this strategy can be core point to have momentum for the entire organization; this can be huge risk for the board. 4. Managing bodies or investors- From the disruptive operation, the return from this venture or investment can be vulnerable which can reduce the return or interest from the business. 4. Analyze the case from the perspective of a theory of organizational change. Theories and models are presented in the textbook in chapters 3, 4, and 7 - 10. Explain how the theory guides your thinking about the problem described in the case. Porras (1987) model of organization change- This theory can help to explore the action steps where the change in the organization fits and how it can work out understanding the core nature of the set up. The model is based on open

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Project Involving the Evaluation of a Website Coursework

Project Involving the Evaluation of a Website - Coursework Example The study will be divided into two different sections. First, will be the introduction of the website in regards to the 7Cs of website evaluation. This will facilitate assessment whether the choice of website is appropriate and also to evaluate the purpose of the website. The website must be able to cater for the regulation, customers’ diversity, and data protection requirements. This is why the assessments of context, content, community, customization, communication, connection and commerce are necessary. It is essential that evaluation of website meets the standard criteria. Evaluation is a process of assessing the subject in accordance to set of rules that are applicable. IKKS website assessment is not exceptional and must be evaluated as per set criteria. The second study will be founded on the Webqual 2.0, where accessibility is analyzed in details. Across the bench of 13 questions, individuals can assess the weaknesses and strengths of the website (Suh 2005).For enforcin g the website to have striking features and attract customers’ attention, it is necessary to enforce four key recommendations. First, the product may improve through bricks and clicks development, this awaits further discussion the subsequent sections. Secondly, the IKKS site ought to enhance its good judgment of society so as to award potential customers a genuine logic of corporation social responsibility. Thirdly, study and ranking of the web in accordance to the Amit and Zott forces in sequence of importance; the strategies would involve most important, 2nd most importance, 3rd most important and lastly least important. E-commerce is increasing in significance for both businesses and individuals leading to penalties for how corporations compete. Creating worth for customers that outstands the rivalry has turned into vital for firms contending through e-commerce. Business structures are generated and applied for the particular reason to contend and generate a competitive a dvantage. The website of IKKS has incorporated most of e-business requirements. Introduction Evaluating IKKS website involve assessment of the website in regard to e-business evaluation criteria.Evaluation is a methodical determination of a topic's merit, value and importance, using criteria administered by a set of principles. It can help an organization, plan, project or any extra intervention or inventiveness to evaluate any aim, realizable notion/proposal, or any option, to assist in decision-making; or to establish the level of accomplishment or value in regard to the objectives and purpose and outcomes of any such activity that has been accomplished. IKKS evaluation involves the assessments of context, content, community, customization, communication, connection and commerce. These are the 7Cs that I would use to evaluate the website (Workshop on E-Business & Wei 2002). The context of IKKS website contains aesthetic and practical feel-and-look. It is evident websites have opted to focus a lot on striking graphics, colours and invent structures, while some have accentua ted simpler utilitarian objectives, such as simplicity of scrolling. On the basis of the context, IKKS website has aesthetic, functional look and feel and utilitarian objectives. The images and graphics are attractive and the ease of navigation for more material is present (Workshop on E-Business & Wei 2002). Respective pictures within the website are navigation links to various departments or sections of the website and companies details. In IKKS website

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Concepts of Psychoanalytical Theory

Concepts of Psychoanalytical Theory Human beings have inherited three types personality which are Id, Ego and Superego. The fundamental one is Id where anatomical desires, wants needs are of in need of immediate attention. For example food, water, sex is in need if this is not obtained one can be restless and annoyed. Secondly is Ego, its aim is to fulfill desires of the id with a balance which is morally cultivated in the society. This will take some time as it will analyze to make balance and try not to be senseless and selfish. Lastly is Superego rationalizing things with more morale values. It knows how to decide what is right and wrong? It has clearer precise decisions and very firm. Id Ego and Superego creates the final output of our behavior. Id has an immediate need, Ego as reality and of what others think and Superego as in conclusive of morality. (Wallerstein, 2002) Defense mechanism is a process of the mind which is unreachable to the conscious mind but which affects behavior and emotions such as denial or distort. In real situation it tries to protect from feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with unresolved issues during development can cause psychological upset. Psychological problems are linked to the unconscious. There are various ways which we suppress unwanted feelings into the unconscious mind which are through repression, reaction formation,  projection, regression,  sublimation, denial and Rationalization. (Bowins, 2004) Different therapist may work differently depending on the needs of the individuals that are seeking help from them. They however, will work on the following assumptions and concepts to surface repressed conflicts so that individuals can deal with It. Secondly manifest symptoms are caused by latent/hidden disturbance. Unresolved issues during development can cause psychological upset. Psychological problems are linked to the unconscious. The unconscious is where majority of the work of the mind gets fulfilled. It’s the store of instinctive skills the search for gut feelings and dreams, the tool of much information activated. Temporary instincts computes on the unconscious mind way before one can realize. The unconscious mind is not some lock-up of insupportable motives waiting to catch ones foot on something, but it can be the origin of unrelieved thoughts, fright, and approach that hinder with daily activities. Common sources of psychotherapy have goals to cultivate into conscious knowledge much of these delayed barriers, so that we can analyze them and choose how to gear them. (Joseph, 2012) Psychosexual developments which consist of five stages, as the following are Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent and Genital. At each stage, satisfaction is identified on a certain part of the body. The variation of satisfaction in any one of these stages caused an obsessive interest, which would lead to disposition or psychological conditions. Firstly, in the oral stage new born baby are engrossed and seek a pleasure in sucking with the mouth lips and tongue at the mother’s breast, the mouth is a very active source. Babies are very dependent, if these needs are fulfilled then there already for the next stage. No satisfaction in this stage would lead to not trusting and very demanding in character and very dependent as an adult. This is followed by the Anal Stage, where the main focus is on anus which is defecating or retaining faces. Parent focus on toilet training for toddlers from the age of 1-3years. The baby has to control urges and also in behavioral terms. If this sense becomes too controlling or relaxed, it will lead to anal retention or anally expulsive which also focus character on orderliness and messiness. The third stage is the Phallic Stage, where a girl or boy between the age of 3- 6 focus on genitals which of majority gain satisfaction developed from resolving Oedipus/Electra complex, and cultivate an arousal for the opposite sex father or mother. The fixation for this would be deviancy and sexual dysfunction. Social morale values impose that these unfitting desires to be subdued, and when done with accomplishment, is followed by the Latency Stage which does not have any focus anatomically but develops defense mechanisms. Activities connected with physical attraction rest asleep until the next stage. The last stage is the Genital Stage is which occurs at the age of 12 onwards the focus is genital where an individual is reaching full sexual maturity. When sexual desires reawaken and is directed towards peers of the opposite sex. At each stage, conflicts must come to a successful resolution. Otherwise, it results in fixations that may cause psychological problems in the future. (Fritsch, 2013) Construction Personal theory sees a human in all angles, dismissing the difference between perception and verbal aspect. The sentimental value is seen as the realization of a transformation in analyzing. In warning, this change is in basic form, that midway to ones self. Self-reproach is the realization of behaving in a way which is incompatible with ones fundamental role, the establishment determining one’s usual ways of communicating with another person. Anxiety is the realization that ones form does not prepare one to foresee events. Aggression is the active elaboration of construing, while hostility is the attempt to extort evidence for a prediction rather than revising it when invalidated .Other strategies used to cope with invalidation and inconsistencies in construing include constricting ones world to exclude unpredictable events, and, conversely, dilating in an attempt to develop a way of construing the new experiences which one confronts. One may also loosen construi ng, making ones predictions less precise, or tighten, and more clearly define these predictions.(Kelly, 1955) The optimally functioning person is characterized by interplay of such strategies while formulating and revising constructions. However, in psychological disorder the person continues to employ a certain construction despite consistent invalidation. Over time, the practices in psychoanalysis have evolved since Sigmund Freud tinkering theories. Some of the basis of his theories has remained but there are others which were evolved and mutated, leaving a pluralistic diffusion of psychoanalytical viewpoints. Contemporary psychoanalysis provides inclusionary focus to include all current psychoanalytic theories together with the perceived relevant concepts from classical psychoanalysis. It also displays an interest in the self-person relations and person-cultural and social developments. In comparison, it dwells on what co-created between people, how individuals adapt to whom and where they are and also include negotiation relations of self to the internal and external factors of ongoing developments. There are without a doubt, limitations to psychoanalysis. The approach may lack a theory of interventions, often not focus on techniques which will render it difficult to replicate by other psychologist. The use of jargon seems rather to confuse than to serve as a means to clarify concepts which makes fundamentals tricky to understand. Terminologies such as Oedipus complex, electric complex may be outdated and irrelevant. (Rapaport Gill, 1959) Despite its limitations, psychoanalysis has the potential to offer an in-depth perspective of a person.Its holistic approach of considering developmental stages can allow further insights on an individual’s current behaviors. Besides clinical uses of psychoanalytic therapy as mentioned earlier, it can also be used for individuals who want to explore themselves. They can understand why they are the way they were, it can bring forth a sense of self and well-being. A single psychoanalytical therapy will not suffice as it requires multiple and long term therapy. As such, it may be a lesser option for those who are seeking quickly and problem based solutions therapy. Psychoanalytical therapy takes time and if adhered to, may provide a life changing results. (Plaut, 2011) Psychoanalytical therapy takes time and if adhered to, may provide a life changing results. According to (Great Ideas in Personality), one of the plus points of psychoanalytic theory is that it can be to explain the nature of human development and all aspects of mental functioning. Critics of psychoanalytic theory claim that it grossly exaggerates and generalizes human behavior. The best part of psychoanalytic theory is that it provides clients a chance to talk about their confusion with a therapist, who could help relieve signs of psychological stress. Even with this theory, most psychoanalytic theories are tough to conclude and most of the time it is overstress to the unconscious mind, sex, aggression and childhood. McAdams (2003) states that, â€Å"In conclusion, I believe there will not be one size that fits all treatments when it comes to human physical or mental health.† (pp.10-11).It should be complimented with evidence based theories and practices, medications if possible and if needed be, traditional intervention if it makes the individual comfortable and more confident in their overall treatment process. Sigmund Freud believes that an affected individual can be cured by making conscious of their unconscious thoughts and motivations to gain insights. Psychoanalysis therapy aims to release repressed experiences and emotions. It has many clinical applications especially in humanistic counseling to help patients / clients to bring about a positive change in their perspective towards life. Conditions such as depression and anxiety disorders can be treated effectively with psychoanalytic approach to a great extent. (Wilma ,2005)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Satire Comparing Mosquitos to Telemarketers Essay -- Mosquito Telemark

Just Like Mosquitoes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mosquitoes have three purposes in the world. The first is to suck blood from multiple diseased animals and spread various infections to humans. The second is to bug, annoy, and make as many people mad as possible. The third is to reproduce and make as many babies as they can to carry on the family tradition. To make a parallel to this topic would like discussing telemarketers. Nearly every aspect of a mosquito has a direct connection to telemarketers such as their nearly countless numbers and their drive to topple the American will. Both of these entities still baffle scholars and researchers to how they happen to be so similar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Certain things in this world tend to bug us more than others. The worst of these are mosquitoes and telemarketers. Some of the worst ways mosquitoes annoy the American Public are the millions of bug bites we are covered with every year and the downright angering noise that they make. This drives us to exterminate this annoyance by doing the only logical, and smartest, thing we can come up with: Kill Them. Now, with telemarketers it is different, yet practically the same. These bloodsucking fiends keep calling and calling till we have no more energy to answer the phone. They bombard us with stupid products and pointless advertisements that drive us to the limit. Since we can’t kill telemarketers without severe punishment, we are forced to do nothing. The result, tactic, and drive of the telemarketers go hand in hand...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Aa Meetings Essay 2

Reaction Paper SAB 110-02 I first attended AA meetings as a requirement while I was in outpatient treatment in 2002. So when I learned that I had to go for a class assignment, I thought I would be comfortable attending a meeting. I was going with the intent on just sitting in the back and listening. The meetings that I had gone to in the past were held at the treatment center where I was seeking help. For this assignment, I went to a group meeting at a prominent church in south Charlotte. Once inside I was greeted with lots of hugs and handshakes, this is when my plan changed. I was asked if this was my first time attending a meeting with every other introduction. All of the feelings of being nervous I had years ago from going to my first meeting, started coming back on me. This was a large group of middle age men and women, with little or no diversity within the group. The meeting began with the reading of the 12 steps, the 12 traditions followed by the Serenity Prayer. After the readings, one thing that surprised me was how the large group divided up into three different groups. One group for women, an open group for beginners, and a closed meeting for men, I stayed in the closed meeting. The topic of discussion on this night was on recovery and service. While I was listening to people talk about how long they had been in recovery, and how attending meetings several times a week for many years had kept them sober. Others spoke about how they do service work. One gentleman talked about being in recovery and that he felt they were only able to remain sober because they became active in service and helping others. I got involved in the discussion and stated that this was my first time in a meeting in nine years. I felt like the next few people to speak was a direct response to what I had said, it made me feel uncomfortable. I was active in service and unity during my first few years in recovery, but I personally believe that a person should not have to be in recovery for the rest of their life once they become sober. AA works very well for some people, and a lot of people either find it ineffective, or they turned off by it. I respect the opinions and perceptions of those that do. Recovery is not something that you can force on someone. What works one individual made not do the same for someone else. The next meeting I attended was a NA meeting. This was the first time that I had been to a meeting, but I was not nervous attending a meeting. The meeting was held at a different church, but in the same area of the AA meeting. I was quite surprised when I went inside. There was a wide range of diversity in this meeting, as it relates to age, socioeconomic background, profession, educational level, and gender. One thing that was caught my attention was the number of high school age people who were there. The meeting began much like the AA meeting did with the reading of the steps, traditions and the serenity prayer. This was an open discussion meeting. There were two teenagers who were there together, who talked about using the day before. One of them mentioned that they were jealous of their friends at school. The reason she gave was that how her friends could use drugs and maintain self control, but she was the one to lose it. There were a few things in this NA meeting that I learned. First was, when discussing your drug usage or your drug of choice you don`t mention the name of the drug. It was also stated to keep the conversations about narcotics and not alcohol, which surprised me, being that this was my first NA a meeting, I have talked and listened to addicts and recovering addicts many times before but sitting in on a meeting touched me differently. I felt more comfortable attending the AA meeting, mainly because I had been to some in the past. Also the NA meeting did not seem to be as organized as the AA meeting. People would get up and walk out to smoke while someone was talking. Another distraction that took away from the meeting were people talking about other topics other than addiction. Overall the meeting was informative and the people were very nice and like a close knit family. I choose to attend an Al-non meeting, and I enjoyed this experience the best. I did not know what to expect going in, but was put at ease from the kindness shown by the people. This was an opening meeting and open discussion. This group was made up of mostly middle age upper class females, with one couple. They started the meeting with some group business and announcements, after that I thought I was in a AA meeting, The topic was on the holidays and how to cope. When people talked about being in recovery, they were speaking about themselves. I did join in on the discussion and stayed a few minutes after the meeting to ask some questions about the group. I could see myself going back to Al-non for support if I had issues with or was affected by a friend or family member drinking. I got some very good insight and information from all three meeting, but the Al-non seemed to be the one that was the most sincere. Unlike at other meetings for addicts themselves, the 12 steps in this meeting did not seem to take top priority, but rather the group help seemed most important to Al-non. They closed the meeting with the Lord prayer and invited me to come back.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Importance of Learning Languages Essay

Nowadays, multilingualism has become more than just ‘important’. Knowing a foreign language different from your mother tongue has evolved/become/turn_out to be extremely beneficial. Whether viewed from the financial or social aspect, being able to communicate in a foreign language helps to make ‘real’ connection with people and provides a better understanding of your language. Why should you learn a foreign language? 1. To begin with, the first advange is that Learning a foreign language open up employment opportunities. * For businesses, It is better achievable if they can understand the psychology and the language of their foreign clients. * Most companies therefore, look for candidates with foreign language skills. * If you are already working, knowing a foreign language may lead to special recognitions or promotions. * As an employer, it will help encourage staff performance, improve customer services, and increase revenue for your company. 2. Apart from the financial gains learning a foreign dialect can offer a unique experience to travellers. * People, who love to explore different parts of the world, know about diverse cultures, places, and lifestyle, knowing the local language can offer a life changing experience. * You can easily find the places, ask for directions, and even order food. * Speaking a language gives you a better understanding of the country’s culture. You can interact with people more freely providing a greater scope(range) of meeting new people, making new friends, more fun, and enjoyment. 3. Another reason why you should learn a foreign language is that the knowledge of a foreign language improves your mental skills abilities. Learning a foreign language is tough and involves a lot of brain exercise. 4. On the individual level, it improves personality and increases your sense of self worth. The need of language faculties has increased due to the growing interest in students to learn foreign languages. People associated with social services need to work with diverse groups from several countries. Ability to speak in a foreign language enables them to communicate and serve people better. The next important decision is to choose from the number of foreign languages – French, Spanish, German, or Italian- to be learnt. Whether you learn a language for a specific reason or you are out of interest, learning a foreign language will lead to long-term success. It will open up new avenues before you. The more language you know, the better you can express yourself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Manage and Maintain Paulownia tomentosa

How to Manage and Maintain Paulownia tomentosa An Introduction to Royal Paulownia: Royal Paulownia is a native of China where it is revered as a tree and loved for both its legends and its usability. The trees form is a bit ragged but can provide an enjoyable and dramatic, coarse-textured appearance with huge heart-shaped leaves and large clusters of lavender flowers in the spring. Paulownia flowers are usually set before leaf emergence so they really stand out against a neutral or evergreen background. With its very rapid growth rate, the princess-tree can reach 50 feet in height with an equal spread in an open landscape. Royal Paulownia Specifics: Scientific name: Paulownia tomentosaPronunciation: pah-LOE-nee-uh toe-men-TOE-suhCommon name(s): Princess-Tree, Empress-Tree, PaulowniaFamily: ScrophulariaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: 5B through 9Origin: not native to North AmericaUses: reclamation plant; tree has been successfully grown in urban areas where air pollution, poor drainage, compacted soil, and/or drought are commonAvailability: grown in small quantities by a small number of nurseries Invasive Exotic Status: Royal paulownia is a prolific seeder but not welcomed by many forest owners. Woody seed capsules form in autumn containing up to two-thousand seeds and can cover a large area using wind power. The seeds persist through the winter and have a high germination percentage. Seeds germinate readily in the landscape and because of this ability to take over a site, paulownia has been given invasive exotic tree status and planters are cautioned about its reproductive potential. Royal Paulownia Description: Height: 40 to 50 feetSpread: 40 to 50 feetCrown uniformity: irregular outline or silhouetteCrown shape: round; vase shapeCrown density: moderateGrowth rate: fastTexture: coarse Trunk and Branch Structure: Royal paulownias bark is thin and easily damaged from mechanical impact so be careful using equipment around the tree. Paulownia has a characteristic droop as the tree grows and will require pruning for vehicular or pedestrian clearance beneath its canopy. The tree is not particularly showy and to improve its appearance, should be grown with a single leader. There is a major pruning requirement: the tree needs regular pruning to develop a strong structure. Paulownia Foliage: Leaf arrangement: opposite/suboppositeLeaf type: simpleLeaf margin: entireLeaf shape: cordate; ovateLeaf venation: pinnate; palmateLeaf type and persistence: deciduousLeaf blade length: 8 to 12 inches; 4 to 8 inchesLeaf color: greenFall color: no fall color changeFall characteristic: not showy Pruning a Royal Paulownia: The Princess-Tree expresses rapid growth and can reach 8 feet in two years from seed. This causes frequent winter kill to tender growth. You will not find this to be a problem if you prune down to where an axillary bud can take over as the single leader. It is important to build a single leader as long as possible and there should be a clear stem to the first main branch at 6 feet or higher. This pruning process is especially important if you are wanting to utilize the tree for its wood. Royal Paulownia In Depth: Paulownia thrives best in deep, moist but well-drained soil that is sheltered from the wind. The tree has become naturalized in many parts of the southern United States so you can see them most anywhere in lower North American latitudes. Fuzzy, brown flower buds form in early autumn, persist over the winter and bloom in early spring. These buds may freeze in very cold weather and drop off. Woody seed capsules form in autumn containing up to two-thousand seeds. They can easily hibernate through the winter and germinate readily in the landscape or wherever they are carried. Leaves rapidly drop within one week following the first frost in autumn. Storm damage can be a problem as the tree is susceptible to breakage either at the crotch due to poor collar formation or the wood itself is weak and tends to break. It has no known insect enemies. There have been occasional reports of problems with mildew, leaf- spot and twig canker.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary Book Summary

The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary Book Summary The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary is an illustrated account of the making of the movie by series author. Jeff Kinney provides a behind the scenes look at the casting and making of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie, as well as its relationship to the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, the first book in the series. Highlights Kinney then recounts the differing viewpoints of Hollywood executives on what the movie should be like, the initial drafts of the script and the hiring of the director. He describes the search for the perfect young actors to portray Greg and his friend Rowley and their screen test. Kinney includes sketches and essays by the young actors about the character each was to portray, which provide insight as to what they thought about their characters. Author Jeff Kinney and His Books Diary of a Wimpy KidDiary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick RulesDiary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog DaysDiary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly TruthDiary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin FeverDiary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself Book

Sunday, October 20, 2019

11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad

11 Inspiring, Uplifting Quotes for Dad Playing daddy all the time can be a tiresome task. Dads sometimes feel ignored, unappreciated, and even unwanted in their own family. When that happens, it is time for some words of inspiration. Inspirational dad quotes will pep up any sagging spirit. Dad Quotes for Inspiration Harry S. Truman I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it. Lydia M. Child Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! Kent Nerburn It is much easier to become a father than to be one. Euripides Noble fathers have noble children. Richard Henry Dana Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked of children. Douglas MacArthur By profession, I am a soldier and take pride in that fact. But I am prouder - infinitely prouder - to be a father. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys. The one has the potentiality of death; the other embodies creation and life. And while the hordes of death are mighty, the battalions of life are mightier still. It is my hope that my son, when I am gone, will remember me not from the battlefield but in the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer, Our Father who art in Heaven. Anonymous One night a father overheard his son pray Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be. Croesus In peace, the sons bury their fathers, but in war, the fathers bury their sons. Sir Stephen Spender When a child, my dreams rode on your wishes, I was your son, high on your horse, my mind a top whipped by the lashes of your rhetoric, windy of course. Chinese Proverb If a son is uneducated, his dad is to blame. Jan Hutchins When I was a kid, my father told me every day, Youre the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

History of Water Management Technologies Research Paper

History of Water Management Technologies - Research Paper Example Water history and its management are of a paramount importance to us. Water history gives us a clue as to how water management policies and technologies overtime transformed the states and life of the people. Stepwells of Rajasthan in India are embodiment of such great traditions in managing the water resources at local level. The paper is an attempt to explore how and what kind of water management technologies evolved over several centuries since the time of early civilization. Early Water Management Devices– Saqiya, Noria, Qanat The beginning of agricultural practices that started after a long period of hunting and foraging has a lot to do with evolving of numerous water management technologies. The agriculture as a means for subsistence led to the digging of canals, wells, drains. That further necessitated the discovery of numerous water-lifting devices as community-based agriculture further expanded in the different parts of world. That is how the devices such as saqiya an d noria came into existence. Qanats built during 500 BCE is an indication that how water technologies started taking forefront in developing agriculture as a means for subsistence. Water Management during Mesopotamian Civilization Initial efforts to control flow of water were done in early civilization of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The remains of those canals can still be found. It should be noted that every city of the Sumer and Akkud dating 4000 years BCE had a canal getting water from the Euphrates River. Mari had several cisterns and had extended collection system to harness rain water. Habuba Kebira (modern Turkey) had Terracotta pipes for transporting water. The shaduf as a water-lifting device from one level to another had its origin in Mesopotamia which later spread to Greece and other parts of Europe. The shaduf usually provides lift of 3 meter and can deliver 500-2500 liters per day (Mays a) Water Management by Indus-Valley Civilization Mohenjo-Daro as the part of Indus Civili zation was built around 2450 BCE. The city had 700 brick-lined wells and it was located in the semi-arid region. The construction of their bath platforms did indicate that water consumption was huge. During those times the city was provided with effluent drains made of brick masonry and stretched along one side of the street with removable covers made of wooden boards or loose bricks. Wall drain chutes were employed so that effluent could flow in a catchment basin. Water management was so elaborate that they had bathrooms in their houses and sewer system in streets. That was perhaps the oldest well-built water collection and disposal system in operation (Mays b). Canals in the Americas – Innovative Water Managementways The earthen canals in Americas are found dating back 6000 to 4500 years in the Central Andean Cordillera region on the banks of Rio Nanchoc River and the canals were used for irrigation to grow peanuts, coca, and cotton crops. Canals in Mesoamerica go back to t he time of 1200 BCE. Water wells in San Marcos, dams, reservoirs, drains and canals were the part of water management system in Morelos, Oaxaca (Dillehay). Water Management by Qanats Qanat fulfilled the need of irrigation in ancient Persia. They are basically underground tunnel taking advantage of gravity flow from the higher elevations to the lower plains. Qanats are equipped with the vertical shafts to provide for lighting and air circulation. The longest (71 kilometer) and oldest (more than 3000 years old) qanat is found at the ancient city of Zarch in Persia. Even today, more than 30,000 qanats are in operation in Iran. The qanat technology spread during Persian rule. In different civilizations, it came to be known with different names such as Karez in Afghanistan

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Resources Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Human Resources Management - Assignment Example Human Resources Management From the past quarter, the organization is facing problem in its course of work that is directly related to HRM. The problem pertaining in the organization is related to knowledge management. New recruitment has taken place in the organization, and the new employees are not able to perform up to the expectations of the company. A lot of complaints have been made against the company about which the company came to know from the feedbacks of the customers. The complaints were mostly related to the solutions, which the employees provide to the customers as the employees lacked training and knowledge to do so. In this paper, we will discuss the issues that are pertaining to the organization and give recommendation and action plan so that the organization can work in an efficient manner and achieve its desired goals. The issues of the organization are related to the HRM department as they are responsible for recruiting and training of the employees. Some changes in the policy of HRM must be made to overcome these problems. Fresh employees had hired by the organization few weeks ago. The company had faced many difficulties after hiring because the employees were not capable of giving quick response to the problems of consumers. The feedbacks of the consumers help in analyzing the problems. It was identified through inspection that human resource department is the area where the improvement is needed. Some mismanagement in the department of human resource management is creating the problems to the organization.

Book Report Mythologies by Roland Barthes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Book Report Mythologies by Roland Barthes - Essay Example He says that "All the toys one commonly sees are essentially a microcosm of the adult world" (Barthes, 1972, p.53), and that for instance, a girls doll is "meant to...'condition' her to her future role as mother" (Barthes, 1972, p.53). If we apply this to videogames, we can immediately see that semiotics, especially as applied to ideology, might shed more light on the role that games play in our globalised society. According to Barthes, French toys are an illustration of the belief that children are a miniature reflection of adults -toys offer too much direction - they do not allow children to engage in their own imaginative play. By providing children with "artificial" materials and toys are we, in turn, providing them with an "artificial" view of the world Mythologies is a text which is not one but plural. It contains fifty-four (only twenty-eight in the Annette Lavers's English translation) short journalistic articles on a variety of subjects. These texts were written between 1954 and 1956 for the left-wing magazine Les Lettres nouvelles and very clearly belong to Barthes's priode "journalistique"' (Calvet: 1973 p.37). They all show a topicality, typical of good journalism. Because of their very topicality they provide the contemporary reader with a panorama of the events and trends that took place in the France of the 1950s. Although the texts are very much of and about their times, many still have an unsettling contemporary relevance to us today. The majority of the fifty-four texts focus on various manifestations of mass culture, la culture de masse: films, advertizing, newspapers and magazines, photographs, cars, children's toys, popular pastimes and the like. Mythologies, however, includes an important theoretical essay entitled Le Mythe aujourd'hui' (Barthes: 1970 pp.193-247). In Le Mythe aujourd'hui', Barthes is at the barber's and is handed a copy of the Paris-Match. As he sees a photograph of a black soldier saluting the French flag, the arrangement of coloured dots on a white background, he understood it to be embedded with a signifier and a signified, constituting the idea of French imperialism and that France's empire treats all its subjects equally. It is a retrospectively imposed where its position after the journalistic articles is also significant. This expressed not simply the chronological order in which they were written, but also to make more explicit some of the concerns that underpin the fifty-four essays. There is, then, a certain amount of continuity between the two parts' of Mythologies. If there is a certain amount of thematic continuity between the two parts' of Mythologies then it is here, where Barthes claimed that he wanted to challenge the innocence' and naturalness' of cultural texts and practices. Although objects, gestures and practices have a certain utilitarian function, they are not resistant to the imposition of meaning. There is no such thing, to take but one example, as a car which is a purely functional object devoid of connotations and resistant to the imposition of meaning. A BMW and a Citron 2CV share the same functional utility, they do essentially the same job but connote different things about their owners: thrusting,

Globalisation and Identity Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Globalisation and Identity Crisis - Essay Example However, according to me it has gained momentum in the past couple of decades due to the advancement of technology and evolution of the ways of communication especially the role of the media. Since its mere existence, it has provoked controversies and debates all across the world. Some people are true proponents of this philosophy and they have various reasons for their beliefs, for instance, they believe that it has accelerated the sharing of information and transfer of knowledge from one pole of the world to the other. On the other hand, there are people who view this phenomenon with suspicion and see it as a method by which the developed countries are reaping the poor ones of their valuable resources. Some claim that this is the modern form of barbarism that the British practiced in the subcontinent and many other parts of the world in the 19th century. This essay is written to discuss both sides of the coin and to evaluate the effects of globalization with facts and figures. We w ill separate on this work into three parts to see the holistic picture and be able to evaluate it in a better way. These three divisions will be as follows: Individual, micro level and macro level. Examples will also be given at each level to support the point of view presented. In the end, there will be a brief conclusion to sum up our finding and to express my own opinion this particular topic. Individual Level Under this heading, we will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages that are there for a simple citizen from the advance of globalization. I will also share some of my personal opinions and view points with regards to globalization and its influence on students such as me. The aspects of globalization are important to touch base with because these bring to surface the necessary pointers which will mean success for the sake of the business. My viewpoints are based on the understanding that customers need to move ahead with the passage of time, and for that their expans ion is a must (Harvey, 2005). This will ensure that they grow and develop their own selves and thus the organizations that they are reporting to, be it an institution of global repute or simply a street business that they have come to be a part of. 1. Individuals as Customers: Globalization has tremendously increased the options that an individual has. He can obtain any good from any part of the world. Online shopping is just an example of this aspect of globalization. Also as discussed later in this essay globalization also results in healthy competition which in turn provides the customers with improved product and services. For instance, when I go online I even have the option of purchasing from Monsoon which is a Bangladeshi brand. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to view what new products and brands are available online and how I am able to make the best use of these brands for my own benefit. 2. Knowledge Workers: All the universities’ curricula now include a course on global management and cultural diversity. This is due to the global challenges that the current workforce has to face inevitably. This is an interesting challenge for the global savvy individuals and a hurdle for ethnocentric ones. The outlook is made more global with each passing day which helps the people to grow beyond their means and gives them an opportunity to look at areas where they have still not paid any heed as such. The knowledge workers help the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Law of Business Associations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law of Business Associations - Essay Example James and Patrick also have the stakes of an accounting firm. This is the same accounting company that handles the accounts of Noosa Group. These three directors own the stakes of Noosa Company equally, each one of them owns 2000 shares, out of the total 6000 shares that the company holds. The company has not paid dividends to its shareholders. Instead they have invested their profits, back into other businesses of the company, with the aim of achieving their long term goals of the organization. Harris’ wife gets sick, and he needs some money to take her to hospital. He is unemployed, unlike the two other directors, who run an accounting firm. He does not have the money to treat her wife, and approaches the other directors to ask them if he company could start paying dividends to its directors. The other directors refuse, and when he decides to sell his shares, they refuse to buy him out. They force him to resign on the account that he is against the long term goals of the org anization. He is forced to resign, although he does it reluctantly. Issue This case has several issues: a) Disagreement between directors. b) Interference of Personal Interests in the Company. c) Company Responsibilities to the shareholders. The directors of Noosa Group are in disagreement. They have disagreed over the conflicting interest of the company. They are divided into two major groups. One side of the group wants the company to start paying dividends to its shareholders, while the other group has refused to approve that request, on claims that it will interfere with the long term goals of the organization. It is the responsibility of a company to declare dividends whenever they make profits. This means that the company is also in breach. The shareholders of the company should also be shown the company’s accounts, whenever they want to see them. The finance the company, and also make key decisions of the company. Therefore, they are entitled to knowing whatever is goi ng on, and how the company is spending their money. Noosa refused to disclose its books of accounts to Harris. Later, Harris discovers that the company has been overpaying the accounting firm that is in charge of managing Noosa. The company is directed by James and Patrick. This is another issue of personal interest interferes in the company. Rule The law gives shareholders and directors the power to make key decisions of the firm (Fu-Lai, 2007). They are the key stakeholders of the company, and hence should be given information about all the major operations of the company (Lui, 2005). They should see the audited accounts of the firm, whenever they demand to do so. Each shareholder has power to vote, in the decision making process of the company. The voting power is decided by the weight of their shares, which is dictated by the number of shares that one owns (Hamilton, & Gray,2009). The higher the number of shares, the stronger the vote becomes. The directors of the company are al so forbidden from running another business, whose interest and that of their company conflicts (Halwey, 2011). Application In this case, there is a breach of the company’s law. First, the company refused to show Harris their accounting records. Harris is an equal shareholder to the rest of the directors, and

Philosophy on how you will teach students who have autism Essay

Philosophy on how you will teach students who have autism - Essay Example Teaching using visual aids is the most effective means of teaching autistic student. This is because students with this disorder are visual thinkers; they rely heavily on pictures to comprehend something. Pictographic and written cues assist these students learn and communicate (Arwood, Brown and Kaulitz 2009). The main advantage of using visual aids is that, an autistic student will be in a position to remember a he have the chance of making relationships and recall easily later unlike the oral teaching strategy. Furthermore, visual approach assists to combat attention failure by facilitating focus on the message. Teachers should use visual supports to teach autistic students how to: It is also imperative that a teacher understands autistic student motivators are different from normal students. This refers to the teaching method whereby there is the use of reinforces such as praise. This is because these students often develop an attachment to a single topic, object, Thus in order for the teacher to create learning interest he should clearly know these students preferences. In a scenario, whereby a student likes cars, then a teacher can for instance while teaching mathematics illustrate using cars. Teachers should objectively offer structured or predictable classroom environments. This environment should be structured to provide consistency and clarity. This will ensure that autistic students know exactly where things belong and what is required of them in a specific state, and can anticipate what comes next. Teachers should ensure that the personalized plan for a student with autism should fit well into the overall classroom timetable. Teachers should vary tasks to prevent boredom, and alternate-group, difficult- activities to reduce anxiety and possibly prevent some inappropriate behavior. In addition, incorporating physical activity and exercise at points throughout the day is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Law of Business Associations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law of Business Associations - Essay Example James and Patrick also have the stakes of an accounting firm. This is the same accounting company that handles the accounts of Noosa Group. These three directors own the stakes of Noosa Company equally, each one of them owns 2000 shares, out of the total 6000 shares that the company holds. The company has not paid dividends to its shareholders. Instead they have invested their profits, back into other businesses of the company, with the aim of achieving their long term goals of the organization. Harris’ wife gets sick, and he needs some money to take her to hospital. He is unemployed, unlike the two other directors, who run an accounting firm. He does not have the money to treat her wife, and approaches the other directors to ask them if he company could start paying dividends to its directors. The other directors refuse, and when he decides to sell his shares, they refuse to buy him out. They force him to resign on the account that he is against the long term goals of the org anization. He is forced to resign, although he does it reluctantly. Issue This case has several issues: a) Disagreement between directors. b) Interference of Personal Interests in the Company. c) Company Responsibilities to the shareholders. The directors of Noosa Group are in disagreement. They have disagreed over the conflicting interest of the company. They are divided into two major groups. One side of the group wants the company to start paying dividends to its shareholders, while the other group has refused to approve that request, on claims that it will interfere with the long term goals of the organization. It is the responsibility of a company to declare dividends whenever they make profits. This means that the company is also in breach. The shareholders of the company should also be shown the company’s accounts, whenever they want to see them. The finance the company, and also make key decisions of the company. Therefore, they are entitled to knowing whatever is goi ng on, and how the company is spending their money. Noosa refused to disclose its books of accounts to Harris. Later, Harris discovers that the company has been overpaying the accounting firm that is in charge of managing Noosa. The company is directed by James and Patrick. This is another issue of personal interest interferes in the company. Rule The law gives shareholders and directors the power to make key decisions of the firm (Fu-Lai, 2007). They are the key stakeholders of the company, and hence should be given information about all the major operations of the company (Lui, 2005). They should see the audited accounts of the firm, whenever they demand to do so. Each shareholder has power to vote, in the decision making process of the company. The voting power is decided by the weight of their shares, which is dictated by the number of shares that one owns (Hamilton, & Gray,2009). The higher the number of shares, the stronger the vote becomes. The directors of the company are al so forbidden from running another business, whose interest and that of their company conflicts (Halwey, 2011). Application In this case, there is a breach of the company’s law. First, the company refused to show Harris their accounting records. Harris is an equal shareholder to the rest of the directors, and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Stereotypes and Their Effects Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes and Their Effects Essay There are positive and negative stereotypes, which are general impressions about particular social groups or race. People judge and discriminate people, thus, failing to know the real attributes or character of the stereotyped group. Negative stereotypes, like Asian women, are aggressive sexual beings. These result in a negative image, pressures in conformity, and cross-cultural misinterpretations of issues (2008). Western films and literature promoted the above mentioned image of Asian women, portrayed as â€Å"Geishas†, war brides, or even prostitutes. This portrayal as sex objects has adversely affected the womens image even if they are raised by decent and rich families. These women have also attended prestigious schools, with a slim chance of receiving equal treatment with the Western women. Asian women are perceived as mail-order brides and objects of pornography. In addition to this, the stereotype has been gaining grounds due to the widespread pornography, especially through the internet. This exploitation of women has contributed to the demeaning of the womens status in society. Movies present women in a manner wherein the Caucasians overpower the Asians. These portrayals continue to degrade the intellectual capabilities of Asian women. They are considered as mere sexual beings even if the majority lived decent lives, acquiring higher education in prestigious schools. They even adapted Western influences through their academic and social environments. These negative stereotypes resulted in associating Asian women as sexual objects. Such developed into a continuous struggle for Asian women to redeem themselves. These women, unknown to many, have surpassed the intellectual capabilities of other men their age. Others have unknowingly contributed to the technological advances, and in the promotion of education in their country. No matter how hard these women try to fit in the competitive society, they are still perceived as inferior to Western people. Works Cited â€Å"Definition of Stereotypes†. About. com: Race Relations. 24 March 2008. http://racerelations. about. com/od/stereotypesmentalmodels/g/stereotypes. htm â€Å"Stereotypes of Asians†. BookRags. 24 March 2008.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Mass Media Laws In Pakistan Media Essay

The Mass Media Laws In Pakistan Media Essay The Mass Media do not exist separately from the other institution in the society. The Mass Media are necessary part of the processes of social change and maintenance. They have ability to revolutionize any other estate of the country. This aptitude of media has been usually taken as a threat by other estates. Particularly political mechanism of many countries of the world felt bullying from free media. To secure their regimes from media threats they curbed the voice of media with some legal checks and bounds. The interesting fact is that the regulatory measures to secure other estates by restricting media freedom are tagged Media Laws. Media law is a term used for a mix of more traditional categories of law with a focus on providing legal services to the communication industry. The write up enlightens that whether Pakistani Media laws are facilitating media by providing services to communication industry or acting as a barrier in the way of information flow. Pakistani Governments have been formulating such kind of laws for media from very beginning of media origin in the country. Even Popular democratic regimes in the country felt to curb media freedom through legal and even illegal checks. The study focuses on why do they need media laws? What are they? How these laws are functioning? The important aspect of the paper is to find out even a single law that is formulated to secure or strengthen Mass Media Networks of the state. Historical Perspective: History of media laws in Pakistan is quite interesting. Interesting in a sense that media laws were originated according to the requirement of state of affairs threatening to the running political bodys influence or reputation. These laws were formulated by different regimes when some critical issues were arisen, the governments muted media voice through the remote of law in order to cover their faults. Media as fourth estate are working effectively to influence public opinion. There is strong relationship between opinion formation of masses and media reports. Most of the governments take this relationship as a menace for their power. They have a view that media are naÃÆ' ¯ve, they are not properly aware with the use of power. So there must be some regulatory measure for their power balance. Political  instability in Pakistan affected the Media enormously. All branches of media were affected but print media suffered badly. Although, it was declared many times in constitution that freedom of speech and expression would be provided to the media. However, this rule was never truly implemented and many political leaders banned the press during their regime. In constitution of 1956, an article specifically devoted to freedom of speech was included. The 1956 constitution lasted less than three years and was abrogated in October 1958 by the imposition of marshal law. With the removal of marshal law in 1962, a new constitution was enforced which sustained with the recognition of initial concept of freedom of expression. But actually, a military ruler imposed the constitution, which was completely devoid of laws of freedom. However, the strong reaction of press and public resulted in constitutional amendment#1 to the 1962 constitution and in 1963; the press and publication ordinance came into organism. Press and Publication Ordinance contained harshest of laws restraining freedom of expression and the progressive progress of media. But soon in March 1969, General Yahya Khan imposed martial law and tried to curb media freedom by int roducing the system of press Advice given by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in order to avoid publication of anti government material. During this phase, the publications with independent and progressive views were taken over by the authorities. Finally the National Press Trust acted as a front to control press by taking over these journals. Western Pakistan maintenance of Public order ordinance formulated in order to merge into one law various stipulations for defensive custody of people and control of persons and publications with the help of bridle of public order and maintain the device of subjugation. In 1963 and 1964 with some modifications this law authorized government to restrict the printing of publications, to enter and search premises and to forbid trade in of newspapers, among other measures. These measures have been used by different governments until the government of Musharraf. At the time of Administrative and economical breakdown in 1961, the government took over the main news agency Associated Press of Pakistan in order to manipulate news flow. Government took it as an opportunity to filter the news items that was supplied to print, electronic, and even international media. Rather than giving chance to private venture to make better the performance of news agency, the government abruptly muscled in to regulate flow of information. The Press can not compromise with its freedom and started mutiny against the establishment by providing substitute sources for news gathering. The complementary source was the establishment of independent press. This bold step taken by press show rigid aspiration of journalists community for free media. Pakistans first civilian Chief and President Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto also proved impatient ruler when respond very robustly to some anarchistic press reports by various members of press, also muted free voices and jailed some editors and publishers on the basis of alleged reason of national security. Democracy or Discrepancy: Mass Media organizations of the world are diverse and this diversity depends on the degree of enthusiasm to media reports by political elites. The societies following communism and totalitarianism generally have restrictions of what the media could represent about the government. On the other hand, the societies following a Bourgeois Democracy have not much more limitations. We find discrepancy while comparing the stance, of other democratic regimes, on media freedom with our own democratic regimes. Although Bhutto government was representing democracy, but it was stained by some dictatorial strokes on media landscapes. The new establishment, although originated on the foundations of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights, could not serve the purpose. As did the National Press Trust, the Press and Public Ordinance remained. The alternative news agency of government-owned Agency (APP), Pakistan Press International, was brought under governments control through use of force and authority. Governments Secrecy and Media Disclosure: Governments operate in secrecy; media live by disclosure. The difference among operating system of both of the estates contradicts when any kind of instability occurs in one of the above systems. Or any pillar of state misuses its power. Same happened in 1977, when the martial law was implemented. The naÃÆ' ¯ve government endeavored to work in secrecy, for this purpose the authorities curbed the media freedom badly. The media were suppressed in advance, so that any kind of intrusion in governments way can be avoided. In the era of Zias rule journalists abuse became public rather than covert. Many journalists were thrashed publicly; it was practiced frequently till the end of the government. From 1977 to August 1988 Media gone through a spectacular oppressions, the only positive change of that era was News Agency PPI were handed over back to its private sector ventures. Since then PPI is working effectively as an alternative source of news to the state owned news agency Associated Press of Pakistan The new democratic body came into power in 1985, but the laws for mass media remained the same. Blazing a tiny trail: The press law, acting as a barrier in the way of press freedom, was repealed by a new caretaker government. No doubt it was an absolute shift to democracy. This step was taken as good sign for press future and provided the latitudinal setting for media. Although it was a tiny trail in the journey of media practitioners to freedom of expression but it is blazing in murky of black laws. The regulation, Registration of Printing Presses and Publications Ordinance that was promulgated in 1988, It was being altered in a way that the governments interference in media was stopped. District Magistrate was authorized to give a receipt to a candidate for the issuance of statement for owing a printing press or publication of a journal to make available the applicant with evidence that would help avoid government intervention. In this way the governmental and other political pressures on media were abridged considerably. Moreover, newspapers get rid of compulsion to publish in full press notes issued by the government; they were given liberty to publish what they want. Although Supreme Court ruled the amendment, in law of 1988, illegal, but it was changed according to the wish of representative bodies of press. Due to a variety of reasons journalists community appealed to revise the law, they were obliged by bringing a key change in the law. The key change was stopping the regime to muscle in media affairs. A New Chapter; Old Contents: During Benazirs second term in office the independent press started highlighting and assailing charges of rampant corruption at the highest levels she hit back by proposing to bring on the statute books a new law to establish press courts in order to ensure that the so-called irresponsible and malicious journalism was effectively curbed. As Burhanuddine Hassan writes this devilish scheme was probably worse than any move ever made even in worst periods of media repression (Hassan, 2000, p. 264). In this way the new chapter brought old contents with it, due to different pressures media returned to conventions after only four months. The so-called democratic government reversed all the moves leading to freedom of expression. The positive step of this regime was approval of importing newsprint at market prices. But in 1990, Mian Nawaz Sharif took over the approval for some unknown reasons. During this regime freedom of media was curbed by conventions. Media and journalists have to face a lot of pressures and threats. Another phase of liberalism: Musharraf s government was seemed to having view of media liberty; there were less restrictions with few regulatory measures. But this liberal policy was spoiled at the end of the regime, when some critical issues were aroused. In order to respond these issues Musharraf grasped the neck of media by implementing the state of emergency. This is worthy to note that freedom of media in this era was actually consequence of globalization and impact of technological advancement in communication sector. History depicts that almost each and every government of Pakistan felt to curb media freedom in order to strengthen their regime. For this purpose they formulated laws for mass media, which acted for a long time as defender for regimes and bully for Media organizations. Other Pressures on Media: Governmental actions have encouraged non official groups to adopt uncivil and non legal means to deal with the media. The media in general and the press in particular have always been vulnerable to violence and harassment by extremist organizations and by groups and individuals whose actions are adversely commented upon by the press. Aggressive reactions also occur when the press does not publish a certain news report or does not give the prominence to some item which the extremists think the item deserves. Symptomatic of disturbance rise of intolerance in Pakistani society particularly with regard to sectarian and ethnic considerations that sharpened during the 1980s, this dimension of danger is faced by press is the price that media have paid for the protected periods of dictatorship imposed upon the people for over two decades during which division were deliberately fostered in order to weaken the political process. On occasion even the government controlled electronic media have been subjected to threats when programs featuring women, music and entertainment have sought to be realistic and contemporary rather than remain in suffocating mold of sterility preferred by the forces of obscurantism. As literacy and education increase and as level of access to international media improve, as in the case of overseas radio and satellite TV channels, there is a sense of hope that non official intimidation of the media by groups that largely remained unpunished for their attacks will diminish in the years ahead. Existing Regime and Media Laws: Pakistan Government plans to introduce new media laws Updated: Thursday July 1, 2010 10:30:03 PM ISLAMABAD: Authorities are proposing a law to restrict graphic coverage of militant attacks, and possibly curb harsh criticism of the government, by increasingly independent television channels, ARY NEWS reported. If approved by the National Assembly, the bill, known as the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Bill, would ban live coverage of the militant attacks, as well as broadcast of anything defamatory against the organs of the state. It would also prevent discussions which could influence the judiciary at a time when it has been dealing with several political cases involving President Asif Ali Zardari. The new bill prohibits media from broadcasting video footage of suicide bombers, bodies of victims of terror attacks, statements from Islamist militants and any acts which promote, aid or abet terrorist or terrorism. An offender could be sentenced to up to three years in jail or fined up to 10 million rupees ($117,100). Critics, however, say the government could use the proposed law to tame media outlets. The government has not yet set a date for voting on the bill. The bill seeks to amend a law introduced by former military President Pervez Musharraf in an attempt to muzzle the media after he imposed emergency rule in November 2007. Under the original law, media were prohibited from broadcasting or publishing statements ridiculing Musharraf, top government officials and the military. However, the present government led by Zardari, who replaced Musharraf in 2008, has proposed an amendment to strike down what it calls draconian laws by the former military ruler. The draconian laws that threatened coercive actions against the press will be removed via this bill to begin the process of providing for a free press in Pakistan, said a draft of the bill obtained by media organs. U.S. ally Pakistan is confronting a growing threat from Islamist militants. The militants have unleashed a wave of attacks across the country, killing hundreds of people, in retaliation for military offensives in their northwest bastions. Officials accuse some media outlets critical of the president of running a vilification campaign against the government, but promised they would not curb free speech. Nowhere in the civilized world are murderers, terrorists and extremists given air time on electronic media to expound their views, Farah Ispahani, a ruling party parliamentarian on the standing committee on information and broadcasting, told Reuters. This report, which will take on the shape of a bill in the next session of parliament, is not an attempt to control the media. It is a necessary code of conduct that is usually practised all over the world willingly by the electronic media. Rights activists, however, doubt the governments intentions. This bill is a self-defeating exercise. They are harming their own image and it exposes their dictatorial temperament, said Iqbal Haider, a former law minister and co-chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. To call a spade a spade or a crook a crook is no offence. The Supreme Court in December struck down a controversial law that provided amnesty to Zardari, several aides and thousands of political activities from corruption and other charges. Many of Pakistans broadcast outlets are full of the latest twists and turns of the cases surrounding Zardari, with many anchors and talk show hosts criticizing the president. Current Situation: Today Pakistani media is comparatively free as it was in past. There are few regulatory measures, formulated by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA). These measures are not to regulate how to present? Or media have what to present? They are there just to decide that the bridle of media should be handed over to whom? The freedom of Pakistani media is not gifted by the government, or it is not due to leniency of the regime. It has been snitched from harsh clutch of dictators by force. The factors that are involved in achieving the liberty include; Public Support Efforts by the part of Journalists Globalizations impact Public Support: The first and most active factor that worked for achieving media freedom is public support. Pakistani people are seeking for a free, fearless and vibrant media. They refused to accept Disinformation or Dysinformation. They have become mature and shrewd enough can easily detect any kind of sly in represented facts. So in order to win their trust all type of media are working hard to become a credible source for them. Efforts of Journalists: Journalists are fighting for media freedom from so many decades. They did not compromise with their freedom of expression. Whenever it was curbed the journalists fight back, when a regime muted the voice, they find alternatives to send the information to their audience. So their struggles to achieve freedom must be admitted and admired. Globalization: With the impact of globalization media got independent in all over the world. The media boom is due to emergence of communication technologies and advancement in satellite communications. This technological expansion is one of the significant effects of globalization. All of the above factors worked together to achieve present day media freedom in Pakistan. So we may say that if the impacts of globalization may eliminated probably over media have to face problems as they faced in past due to implementation of black laws. Mass Media Laws in Pakistan: Before having a detailed discussion it is necessary to know that what existing laws for mass media are, so we will see these laws at glance, Annexure-I Constitutional Provision Article 19 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restriction imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality or in relation to contempt of court or commission or incitement to an offence. Annexure-II Provisions of Rules of Business, 1973 In order to ensure freedom of Press and promotion of responsible Print and Electronic Media in the country as envisaged in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Federal Government entrusted a number of task to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, as provided in the Rules of Business 1973. These are: i) Policy relating to internal publicity on national matters; ii) Broadcasting including television; iii) Production of films on behalf of the Government, its agencies, Government controlled Corporations, etc.; iv) Press relations, including delegations of journalists and other information media; v) Provision of facilities for the development of newspaper industry; vi) Policy regarding government advertisement; control of advertisement and placement; vii) Audit of circulation of newspapers; viii) Liaison and coordination with agencies and media on matters concerning Government policies and activities; ix) External Publicity; x) Training facilities for Radio and Television personnel. Annexure-III Media Laws a). Press, Newspaper, News Agencies, and Book Registration Ordinance-2002. b). Press Council of Pakistan Ordinance -2002. c). Freedom of Information Act 2002. d). Defamation Ordinance 2002. e). Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Ordinance 2002. f) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Rules 2002 g). Condition of (working journalists) Services Act, 1973; We will discuss some significant laws for print and electronic media, briefly. But before that it is necessary to discuss why they are required? Requirement of media laws: As far as the question that is it necessary to call for media laws? is concerned we can easily say that laws absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of any organization as they help to maintain check and balance. Following arguments prove the significance of media laws: 1) Media sometimes crosses the limits and does more than enough, in order to stop this there should be a check/law. 2) We often hear much about fundamental human rights on media, but by exhibiting violation of these rights media itself violates human rights. That thing also needs to be suppressed. 3) Personal and communal privacy is highly affected by media. No secret remains secret because of media globalization. Some things happen to worth keeping private so to protect privacy law is essential. 4) The owner of the product is responsible that in case the product is provided to be used by somebody else, that this user is in compliance with the above rules and regulations and agrees to not mention, comment, state or otherwise discuss anything about the respective product. A corresponding law may need to govern import restrictions so that ANYTHING, product or service or even visitors to the respective country need to sign when entering the respective country to obey to this law. Print Media Laws: CENSORSHIP: Censorship is considered very important in perspective of media. It holds same significance for media as a bridle for a horse. It keeps media in limits. A governmental organization censors anything that is considered morally corrupt. But as an old latin phrase states WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS, here comes a point that who will suggest that something is morally crooked? Code of ethics is one thing which will help here. All laws of censorship are meaningless without the code of ethics. Government of Pakistan has tried very hard to implement laws of censorship. But this is crystal clear that Pakistani censor board has awfully failed to do so. The reason definitely is the stark absence of code of ethics. PRESS LAWS: Our freedom depends in large part, on the continuation of a free press, which is the strongest guarantee of a free society.    Richard M. Schmidt-   Constitutional Provisions Guarantees An article in constitution Pakistan provides freedom of speech and fundamental rights, this piece of writing refers especially to press and is given below: Article 19, Freedom of Speech: Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defense of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, commission of or incitement to an offense. Copyright: The advent of new communication technologies, increasing computerization, the ease with which material can be reproduced in large volumes at fairly low cost, the spread of video piracy in particular and related development makes the subject of copyright most pertinent to a developing country like Pakistan. That is why the government of Pakistan supports the international agreements on copyright and this preference for acceptance of an international disciplinary approach is reflective in the updating of and the amendments made to, the Copyright Ordinance, 1962 through the changes brought about in 1992. Laws for Broadcast Media: Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority: PEMRA is a regulatory body; it was established on 1st March 2002 by the government. This is responsible for serving and regulating the establishment of all private electronic media. Its mandate is to improve the standers of information and entertainment through media and enlarge the options available to public in media. It is also established to make the peoples access easy to mass media at local and community level. The most significant mandate is have checks on media organizations through accountability and good governance. Since PEMRAs beginning in the country, electronic media of Pakistan remained in regimes control till the Pakistans first private sector TV channel was launched in 1990s. It was the mid of 90s when people started using satellite dishes for fulfilling their entertainment needs. It was the time when government realized people necessitate and adopted more liberal media policies and provided the public easy access multiple TV channels by encouraging public private participation. For the accountability purposes there was a need to have an effective regulatory frame work. By keeping in view all of the above purposes and the larger interest of the state Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority were established. Factors behind the formulation: As for as concerned, why these laws have been formulated? There are four factors behind identified by Javed Jabbar in his book Mass Media Laws and Regulations in Pakistan, according to him four factors that determined the nature and the application of laws and regulations to mass media in Pakistan from the date of its independence it would be appropriate to list the legislative material carried over from the second half of 19th century and the first forty six and a half years of twentieth century under British rule as the first of these factors. The second factor was the authoritarian mind-set which shaped the exercise of executive power. In the absence of a directly elected Parliament and with the Constituent Assembly perennially unable to frame a constitution that could satisfy both East Pakistan and the disparate groups in West Pakistan, palace intrigues thrived, myopic self centered interests becoming sharp thorns which pricked and began to hurt the press of the country. Shaped by ownership and control of vast tracts of land and other wealth, accustomed to conventional subservience of the serfs, seeing the upsurge of the pre 1947 freedom movement on mass level as a passing aberration which had to be tolerated and used for its own purposes, the feudal mind-set looked upon the media, particularly and independent press, as a constant irritant and an unacceptable challenge to the supremacy of the ruling class, a status enjoyed by this for several eras under British tutelage. The third determinant factor was the acute sense of uncertainty about the future stability of a country whose survival for not more than a couple of years had been forecast by prominent Indian leaders. Combined with the conflict over Kashmir and the first of the wars with India which occurred in 1948, the new nation faced a geo-political situation rife with security threats. In such conditions, criticism of government actions by Press can easily be seen as giving comfort to the enemy. Without a well-established tradition of engaging in candid exchange and the acceptance of dissenting viewpoints, the atmosphere facilitated a gradual increase in the influence if the military, initially behind the scenes, as a part of the lens with which the state perceived the media. Making up this quartet, was the fourth factor which shaped, policy, laws and actions with regard to the press in the early years of Pakistan. This was the continuing volatility in the political arena. An organization that was more of an emotional mass movement inspired by the idea of an independent homeland for the Muslims, the Muslim League as a political party entrusted with the tasks of leading a vast and uniquely constructed new country into stable statehood proved unable to rise the occasion. Deprived of the towering leadership of Quid-e-Azam in less than a year of independence, the party was unable to quell factionalism and unwilling to transcend provincial and parochial divisions to offer a large and unifying vision. Despite the sincerity and service of some veterans of the freedom movement the political process very quickly began to reveal internal strife, incompetence and corruption. While government controlled radio and censor controlled cinema could not offer a mirror to t he reality of these times, the press was seen as an element that was aggravating the problems already being faced, instead of helping to resolve the complexity of the situation. Introducing New Directions: In terms of fundamental and a direction setting change in mass media laws and norms, perhaps the 104 day tenure of the caretaker government appointed by Presendent Farooq Leghari on 5th November 1996 and headed by Prime Minister Malik Meraj Khalid becomes the most significant phase in the history of Pakistan. The only similar period of significance would be the time in September 1988 when the black law of 1963 was repealed and a new phase of press freedom was ensured. During the most recent experience of a caretaker administration, basic changes were put into place in the laws and conventions, ranging from alterations in nomenclature to ending, once and for all, the 50 year monopoly of the state and government over electronic media. One of the first decisions taken by the government in November 1996 was to change the name of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to the Ministry of Information and Media Development. This amendment has more importance than merely the replacement of one word with other words. The term: broadcasting had come to acquire the propagandistic and one sided dimension by which governments imposed a one way dissemination of messages upon the people because the term: broadcasting in it self reflects a one way function rather than a two way process of dialogue and communication. Secondly with the new developments of media technology which include media that reach specific and small audiences, the concept of narrow casting has become as important as the concept of broadcasting. Thirdly and possibly most importantly, Pakistan is one of lowest levels of access to mass media by the people. For example, countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have more Radio sets per 1000people as in Pakistan. The task of increasing levels of access to mass media and in turn facilitating mass media to increase their coverage of the population should become the most vital priorities for the ministry, rather than the outmoded functions of serving as an instrument for production of propaganda. The caretaker government also introduced the refres

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Disturbances in Neglected Chil

Every year millions of children are abused and neglected worldwide. Child abuse is a global concern. It has severe outcomes on the children who are victims, and often the effects are long-lasting. Child abuse is a highly under-reported crime although of those reported, neglect accounts for the majority of child abuse cases (Pala, ÃÅ"nalacak, & ÃÅ"nlà ¼oÄŸlu, 2011). Neglect in children often has more dire consequences than other types of child abuse (DePanfilis, Children’s Bureau, & Office on Child Abuse & Neglect, 2006). One consequence especially prevalent in neglected children is insecure or lack of attachment to a primary caregiver. John Bowlby’s research has shown the evolutionary importance of infant attachments, further research shows that infant attachment styles carry over into adulthood (Levine & Heller, 2011). Neglected children showed disturbed attachments that manifest into developmental delays and behavioral problems. Through treatment neglected childr en aim to learn how to create secure attachments (Hardy, 2007). Defining neglect Numerous teachers, family doctors, social workers, among other professionals will be faced with child abuse and have the responsibility of reporting mistreatment. Therefore, it is important for these specialists to be able to recognize signs of child abuse and neglect (Pala, et al, 2011). The World Health Organization Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention currently recognizes four types of child abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect. Dr. Bengà ¼ Pala and his colleagues found that neglect accounted for up to 71% of the child abuse cases in 2008 around the world. They defined neglect as a parent or caregiver’s precedence of failure to provide for the development and welfare of the child ... ...on regulation and emotional stability (Hardy, 2007). From 2000 to 2004, 7.6 out of every 1,000 children were reported as being neglected. The Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect found that less than a third of child maltreatment is reported. The signs of neglect can often be subtle and hard for other adults to recognize; this attributes to the underreporting of neglect cases (DePanfilis, et al., 2006). Due to the fact that child abuse distresses millions of children every year and millions more suffer silently, it is important to improve research on the dilemma. Several studies acknowledge that there is an absence of research on attachment theory in neglected children (Venet et al.) It is imperative that research on attachment disorders drastically advance so that effective treatments can be developed allowing neglected children to heal.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rucksack Rendezvous :: Traveling Travel World Vacation Essays

Rucksack Rendezvous Introduction "Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lie, Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise." -The Beatles For many people this is the image that is conjured up when one speaks of third world travel and many times it is this way because of lack of knowledge or lack of resources about the country in question. It is also possible that the person may not have had the chance to study the country and therefore does not clearly understand what goes on there. So many people think that a trip south of the boarder will bring them nothing but diarrhea and hassles. This image is simply not what you will find. Another scenario is that of the timid traveler who feels that traveling through such remote areas would prove treacherous or worse. Sometimes people are afraid that unrest may occur and they may be left with nowhere to turn. Once again this is a notion that is not completely realistic. The problem comes from the lack of information about these countries and an increased encouragement by national businesses to keep your travel funds in your own country. Many of the United States’ surrounding countries could benefit from the travel dollars that we as Americans tend to use exclusively in our country. However, the money is not going there. It seems to me that anyone spending there money for the experience of traveling through a third world country would be adequately compensated in life lessons. In this hemisphere alone there are so many travel destinations that it is enough to boggle the mind. It only takes some simple research before you will see that travel to third world countries is not only possible but affordable, safe, and practical. There are many people who have already found the pleasure that is experienced when visiting any one of the many natural wonders or urban settings of the world’s vast geographical locations. National Standards: Whether your traveling with a group or alone there is a valuable lesson to be learned in the area of using maps and other geographical tools to acquire and process information. Traveling also helps you to use mental maps in order to give spatial perspective to the world.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Telecommunications Law

Telecom Law and Regulation Professor: David Olson September 14, 2012 Week 2 Case Study What is the natural monopoly ? Natural Monopoly is a monopoly that exists because the cost of producing the product (i. e. , a good or a service) is lower due to economies of scale if there is just a single producer than if there are several competing producers. (http://www. linfo. org/natural_monopoly. html) Today, telecommunications technology affects lives to a greater degree than ever before.Communication has evolved over many years from the earliest attempts at verbal communication to the use of sophisticated technology to enhance the ability to communicate effectively with others. A natural monopoly is said to exist in an market where the costs of production are such that it is less expensive for demand to be bet by one firm than it would be for that same demand to be met by more than one firm (Benjamin et al. , 2005).Every time a telephone call is made, a television is watched, or a personal computer is used, benefits of telecommunication technologies are being received. The American television industry is presently undergoing rapid change. Where once there was a limit on viewing options imposed by scarcity of electro-magnetic spectrum, confining most views to handful of channels that were dominated by three COM distribution systems, cable television is emerging now as â€Å" the television of abundance,† (Sloan Commission, New York 1981).A natural monopoly is said to exist in any market where the costs of production are such that it is less expensive for demand to be met by one firm than it would be for that same demand to be met by more than one firm (Benjamin et al. , 2005). Examples of natural monopolies are railway systems and telephones systems. All the phones should be connected and network together to attain the highest benefit. The monopoly is called natural because many competitors in these markets tend to die out leaving just one or a few providers fo r any given geographic area.But, the essence of the concept of a natural monopoly is there, that these are markets that end to have one or few providers. I believe that the government should treat telephones, cable and/or broadcasting companies has a natural monopoly. The technology industry has been a major problem in areas of the United States. Before wireless transmission really ever became a reality, cable was the ruler. After reading and viewing information about this topic customers live in around of the U. S.A that have limited cable service providers in their area and there is only one Cable Company to choose from which proves a natural monopoly. It has been verified time and time again about the lack of competition, the patrons are the ones who pay more for cable services. More over, the absences of superiority programming that the providers were not motivated to provide better service to consumers. The Commission is not the only regulatory authority showing interest in cab le television over the years. Local government has also been quite active in the regulation of local cable providers.Indeed, local governments for a long time insisted that cable providers apply to them for permission to be a local â€Å"cable franchisee† and local governments would often extract costly concessions from cable providers in exchange for granting those franchise rights (Benjamin et al. , 2005) The notion of having competition may end up costing more doesn't prove to be true in most cases, in general having the opportunity to choose the best providers with what is needed on service is far better than having dismal programming and choices.It is in the preferences and providers having all the choices for the consumers that are of benefit and one that is a win-win. Competition does not necessarily prove the notion that it costs more for hardware and software, that these are designed to be able to provide maximum number of customers. The concept of telecommunications may be defined as the transmission of information from one location to another by electronic means. Telecommunications is using electronic systems to communicate. Life is constantly changing and has been shifting faster since the rapid advancements in telecommunication.For the reason that ongoing attempts to find improved and supplementary efficient ways to communicate, the process of communication has gradually enhanced and I believe it will continue to do so. References: The Linux Information Project (2005). Natural Monopoly Definition. Retrieved 9/11/2012 from http:// (http://www. linfo. org/natural_monopoly. html) Benjamin, Douglas Gary Lichtman, Howard Shelanski, and Philip J. Weiser, (2006). Telecommunications Law and Policy Sloan Commission, (1981). On the Cable: The Television of Abundance

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Are we obsessed with Celebrities in today(TM)s society?

â€Å"Dot, have you seen Stacey around?† Eastenders â€Å"I'm really enjoying it here in LA, but England will always be the best† David Beckham â€Å"I've kissed a lot of frogs, on my holidays† Sarah Harding (Girls Aloud) What is there left to watch? Celebrities? Haven't we got our own personal lives? Celebrities on the telly, in magazines, on the internet, even in schools girls, gossiping about â€Å"hot† celebs or their dress sense. They're even writing biographies and a large number of us go ahead and buy these biographies, because we're so interested in other people's lives. When out shopping, where ever you look there are posters of celebrities advertising objects of daily use. Aren't we too obsessed with celebrities in today's society? Six people, out of a family of eight, living in High Wycombe would prefer to watch a programme on Tom Cruises love life rather than read a book, about â€Å"How technology has improved through time?† Since the, 20th century majority of the worlds people would rather be famous than educated and endeavour to do something for the world. Despite there are talented celebrities which with no doubt help the world. For example, in 2004 a number of Israel's top celebrities women, gave a hand in helping out a foundation for Osteoporosis disease, yet aswell as this, donated a large amount of money, to these patients for their future lives. These Israeli women are much worthier of celebrity's status, than the usual that we worship. So, there are celebrities with talents, also which have been used as role models with qualities such as: being extremely helpful towards people and nature; educating people; having modesty even after being successful; and most of all respecting people who are a lower society than them. Paparazzi, from an Italian dialect word for a particularly noisy, buzzing, irritating mosquito. Paparazzo's are following celebrities everywhere, by contrast intruding into their personal lives. They want to find out what they eat? How they dress? Where they got their new haircut from? How many times in a week they have bath? Unfortunately, they even find this matter fascinating. Why should they be treated like this? It is like a juicy orange on floor, which is densely crowed by hundreds of ants who are trying to rapidly, trying to eat the orange in pleasure. Also, there is snapaparazzi, who is a journalist or passer-by, who witnesses an event and captures it on a video or digital picture using his or her mobile. Their whole life is captured on one photo like a letter, which could invite them to ruin their lives; on the other hand this gives people a source of entertainment and enjoyment. However, entertainment is designed to give pleasure and enjoyment to an audience, entertainment such as: concerts; radio; operas; films; new media; novels; theatre; sports. Entertainment is a part of life, which most of us extremely enjoy as they include celebrities. Without these aspects we would actually find ourselves purely bored, when we're not occupied to something. It is only when the obsession gets out of hand! Celebrity Worship Syndrome is a newly identified psychological condition. A typical sufferer is a person who is obsessed with a person in the public eye. This condition is sometimes referred to â€Å"Celebrity Obsession Syndrome† or â€Å"Mad icon disease† .In 2002, it was shockingly gathered that there are 781 males and 942 females who suffer from this disease in UK .These people watch all appearances of this celebrity and even start to religiously worship them. They buy things which this celebrity has touched, a piece of clothing they have worn, even if it costs a fortune. A number a people, buy things to copy celebrities because they think it looks fashionable or to attract various people in their society. For example, a number of girls would want to buy a Chloe handbag just, because Victoria Beckham has it even if it would cost them any thing. Various people have been bankrupted, not knowing that they have spent so much on things that would not come in their, use rather than spending on something which is useful. Being bankrupted, means some companies do not allow you to take a loan from them or work for them, these serious consequences could ruin their lives. Isn't this extreme? Turning on the TV, various programs like cribs, which invite people to see homes of celebrities, their garden to their garages, and their fridges to their wardrobes, are, shown on TV. Does it bother them? On the other hand, you open a magazine like ‘The Heat' which criticizes celebs and abuses their personal lives. Despite this fact, 75% teenagers enjoy reading magazines although being in the position of being criticized and abused on TV and magazines, they would find it highly offensive and would take some sort of action towards it. But their still is a variety of serious programmes and channels on the television, for example history channel or science ,channels which give people good knowledge and help the, towards the future. Also, educational and serious magazines can be found, which further our knowledge in a range of subjects. It is our decision to choose the decent magazines or TV programmes so we can't not blame celebrities on this aspect. Not only the younger society, but the older society, also suppose celebrities as perfect, the way they live, their hairstyles, their skin we don't assume but celebrities themselves, have many difficulties to doubt with, socially and personally. We think, when we see these people on TV, they must have such any easy life. They have magnificent houses, they get whatever they want whenever they want. As no one can ever be perfect you have to just enjoy your life, the way you want it, in any circumstances. Although, celebrities are harmless, it's just that, we people who are not famous overreact about things. We conduct things, which later on turns out to be a bit over the top, actually not realising it. In conclusion, people are obsessed with celebrities in today's society. It's mainly, not the celebrities fault they are just trying to give us a bit of entertainment and we take it out of hand ourselves. As a fact then, we are obsessed with celebrities; everything just needs to stay in the limits.